Month: June 2020

What does the future hold for tourism in the Waterberg?

In the words of many tourism is dead in the water right now. With Covid-19 most trips and holidays have had to be cancelled. Many lodges and activities have reduced staff and adopted a “care and maintenance” strategy merely to survive! The future will not be the same as the past. Things will change. Those who can adapt to change will emerge even stronger because there will always be a need for people to travel and visit.

The popular view is that local tourism will be the first to revive. People are tired of being restricted to their homes and many have “Cabin fever”. At the same time, they do not necessarily have the same money for discretionary spend. The Waterberg offers an attractive alternative to getting away. It is only 2 hours from Gauteng and in a relatively free Malaria area. The weather at this time of the year is unbeatable!

Lodges who can see their way clear to adapting to the local market and adjusting their prices and offerings will be the ones to survive.

Conservation hunting is another extremely popular source of visits to the Waterberg. Many fathers and sons are dying to get out into the bush as are groups of friends. We have already had many enquiries from visitors as to where they may be able to hunt (for leisure and under level 3 regulations). Please let us know if you have hunting facilities available.

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Birds of the Waterberg

The Tourism industry has been hardest hit by the lockdown, and Waterberg in particular has lost over 2m local visitors spending over R2 billion pa, as well as over 2 million foreign tourists spending over R5 billion pa.

We invite you to a series of FREE information videos, featuring top speakers and top tourist treasures which are what attracts tourists and will do so again once lockdowns are a thing of the past
The first video is by the well-known conservationist, Dr. Warwick Tarboton, and his topic is “Birds of the Waterberg”

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How Can Waterberg Tourism Help You?

Waterberg Tourism is completely non-profit, seeking only to serve its members by competitively marketing the Waterberg area as an outstanding tourism destination, to local and international tourists.  While these are dark days and times are difficult, like it or not we are still dependent on tourism.

Waterberg Tourism was started by the local community and is managed for the benefit of the community by community members.  It will enhance the economic prosperity of the area and allow members to benefit from marketing that gives them easier access to economic value created by tourism developments in the area.

It is the vision of Waterberg Tourism that by marketing tourism to the area, we will be investing in the economic and environmental future of the area.  Competitively marketing the Waterberg will help establish sustainable economic development, create more jobs, resulting in improved training and capacity building, and thus leading to a stable, and vibrant local economy.  By marketing the area as a tourism destination, Waterberg Tourism will also be working towards conservation efforts of our precious natural resources by contributing to their viability and increased public awareness.
Because tourism is dependent on support functions there is much work going on behind the scenes to improve the appearance of the Waterberg by working with the authorities, community members as well as specialists in waste removal, better signage and making it a safer area for all.  We are all too aware of our shortcomings and with your help aim to make the Waterberg leading tourist destination in South Africa!

To help tourism in the Waterberg:

Share Waterberg Tourism’s Facebook and Instagram posts, as well as our website and member details with as many people as possible
Attend and support Waterberg Tourism’s online webinars, videos, meetings, and training programs whenever you can. Just showing up to a meeting can do a lot to encourage other people to support our initiatives!
If you can join up as a member, do so. If you can donate any funds, your time, or services, please do!
Support our local businesses as far as you possibly can by buying local products, ordering food from local restaurants, and using the recreational and accommodation facilities in the Waterberg
Explore the Waterberg – you would be surprised what is in your backyard!
Tell everyone what you find in the Waterberg that is beautiful and enticing on your social media pages and when you speak to people one-on-one
Keep up a positive attitude – things are very tough for all of us, but by supporting and encouraging one another in a positive manner, we can build our community’s fighting spirit and keep going!

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